19-21 June 2024
Špik, Alpine Resort, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia
UTC timezone


It is no longer possible to register for the conference.

Registration Fee









(until May 10, 2024)

300 € 250 € 120 €


(until May 31, 2024)

400 € 350 € 120 €









Registration for participants includes access to the scientific program, coffee breaks, social events (welcome reception on June 18, conference trip and conference dinner on June 20), and meals at the conference venue (lunch on June 19, 20, 21 and dinner on June 19).

Registration for accompanying persons includes access to the welcome reception on June 18, coffee breaks, and meals at the conference venue (lunch on June 19, 20, 21, and dinner on June 19). Extra fees apply for participating in the conference trip (50 €) and the conference dinner (50 €) on June 20.

The registration fee does not include accommodation. For more information about accommodation, please follow this link.

Parents/guardians of children agree to take full responsibility for them while at the workshop social events.


Details for the payment:

Recipient: Drustvo SDDUM

Address: Kettejeva ulica 1, 6000 Koper, Slovenia

IBAN: SI56 1010 0005 5927 091

BIC/SWIFT: BAKOSI2X (Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d.d.)

Description/Purpose: WG2024-[FirstName]-[LastName]

Model and reference number (required only for payments from Slovenia): SI00 1-2024


Discounts and Waivers

We are able to offer a very limited number of registration fee discounts and waivers to postdocs and students with low research funding. To apply, please register and arrange a letter from the supervisor, which explains the circumstances, to be sent to wg2024@famnit.upr.si by the early registration deadline. In this case, payment of the registration fee should be made only after the notification of the outcome of the application (which is to be expected by May 13, 2024).


Letter of Invitation and Visa Requirements

Individuals requiring an official Letter of Invitation from the workshop organizers can request one. Generally, we are able to issue letters to support visa applications only to the coauthors of papers accepted for presentation who have registered to participate in the workshop.

It is the sole responsibility of the delegate to take care of his/her visa requirements.

Cancellation Policy

Notice of cancellation (e.g., in case of sickness, lack of funding, or any other personal reasons) must be made in writing by email to WG 2024 organizing committee (at wg2024@famnit.upr.si). The notification must include all relevant information regarding the bank account to which a possible refund may be remitted. 

No refunds will be granted for unattended events or early termination of attendance, in case of any reasons that are beyond the control of the workshop organizers.