Je genski inženiring rešitelj izumrlih vrst? Bo po zemlji spet hodil mamut?

Gensko urejanje, Gensko spremenjeni organizmi, CRISPR-Cas, bioremediacija, bio-banke, sintezna biologija … Na kakšni tehnologiji in znanstvenih zasnovah slonijo ti izrazi, ki se danes široko uporabljajo v bioloških in medicinskih znanstvenih krogih?

V tridnevnem znanstvenem srečanu, ki se bo odvilo med 4. 3 in 6. 3. 2020 v kongresnem centru Life Class Portorož bomo predstavili pregled novih, sodobnih tehnik za gensko modifikacijo, se seznanili z novimi biotehnološkimi pristopi ter razglabljali o uporabi teh inovacij v varstveni biologiji. Vpeljava takšnih sodobnih pristopov seveda odpira mnoga etična in pravna vprašanja, katera bomo skušali nasloviti ne zgolj iz vidika naravoslovnih znanosti, temveč tudi v kontekstu inter- in trans discipliniranosti.


Could genetic engineering be considered rescue for extinct species? Shall we revive wooly mammoth to walk back on earth?

Gene editing, Gene Drives, GMOs, CRISPR‐Cas, bioremediation, bio‐banking, synthetic biology … Which technologies and concepts are behind these terms that are used throughout the biological and medical communities and applied e.g. in food industries?

In a 3‐days workshop between 4th and 3rd of March at conference center Life Class Portorož we will provide an overview on new gene modification techniques, inform participants on recent biotechnology approaches and discuss their potential applications for conservation. Given the legal and ethical implications of such novel approaches, we will not only focus on the effects within the fields of natural sciences, but work inter‐ and transdisciplinary.

Life Class Portorož
Vasco da Gama
Obala 33, 6320 Portorož