- BONVICINI, Simona - Edge-critical graphs from the Möbius strip
- BRUGNOLI, Emanuele - Some bounds on the number of cyclic Steiner 2-designs
- BRUNETTI, Maurizio - Edge perturbations on signed graphs with clusters
- BRYANT, Darryn - Hamilton Decompositions
- BURATTI, Marco - Steiner/Kirkman triple systems and their automorphism groups
- CAMERON, Rosalind - Twofold triple systems that disprove Tutte's conjecture
- CLARKE, Nancy E. - 2-Limited Packings of Box Product Graphs
- CONDER, Marston - Local actions in arc-transitive graphs
- DIMITROV, Julian - Estimation of the Recoverably from Discrete Presented Continuous Dependence
- DOBSON, Ted - Classification of vertex-transitive digraphs via automorphism group
- DYER, Danny - Pursuit-evasion games and visibility
- EL-ZANATI, Saad - On decomposing $3$-uniform hypergraphs into loose $m$-cycles
- ELLINGHAM, Mark - Orientable quadrilateral embeddings of cartesian products
- GAO, Zhicheng - Enumerating locally restricted compositions over a finite group using de Bruijn graph and covering graph
- GROPP, Harald - A Slavonian/Slovenian biographical history of configurations
- GÉVAY, Gábor - Configurations of points and conics
- HARE, Donovan - Odd Cycle Bases of Nonbipartite Graphs
- HORSLEY, Daniel - Decomposing complete multigraphs into stars of varying sizes
- HUJDUROVIĆ, Ademir - On Orders of Vertex-stabilizers in Arc-transitive Graphs
- IRANMANESH, Mohammad A. - On the isomorphisms of bi-Cayley graphs
- JAKÓBCZAK, Gabriel - Majority coloring games
- JANEŽIČ, Dušanka - Graph-Theoretical Approaches in Drug Discovery at the PDB Scale
- KALINOWSKI, Rafal - The Distinguishing Index of $2$-connected Graphs
- KORCHMAROS, Gabor - Recent results and open problems on unitals
- KOVACS, Istvan - Quasi-semiregular automorphisms of cubic and tetravalent arc-transitive graphs
- KRNC, Matjaž - Characterization of generalized Petersen graphs that are Kronecker covers
- KUTNAR, Klavdija - Hamilton Paths and Cycles in Vertex-transitive Graphs
- LEHNER, Florian - Hamilton decompositions of one-ended Cayley graphs (https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.09463)
- MAKSIMOVIĆ, Marija - Self-orthogonal codes from orbit matrices of strongly regular graphs
- MALNIC, Aleksander - On Reflexible Polynomials
- MELEKOGLU, Adnan - Patterns of Mirrors on Quasi-Platonic Surfaces
- MORRIS, Joy - Automorphisms that preserve the natural edge-colouring
- MOSTARAC, Nina - Self-dual codes from orbit matrices and quotient matrices of combinatorial designs
- NEDELA, Roman - Hamilton cycles in cubic Cayley graphs of small girth
- PASTINE, Adrian - The Hamilton-Waterloo problem with cycle sizes of different parity
- PILSNIAK, Monika - Graphs with small distinguishing index
- POTOČNIK, Primož - Some problems about symmetries of finite graphs
- SAJNA, Mateja - Some Variations on the Oberwolfach Theme
- VIDALI, Janoš - Triple intersection numbers of metric and cometric association schemes
- VINCE, Andrew - Counting Connected Sets and Connected Partitions of a Graph
- WOODROOFE, Russ - Invariant generation of alternating groups by prime-power elements
- ZEMLJIC, Sara Sabrina - Upper bounds for the order of cages
- ZGRABLIC, Boris - Cayley Graphs Relative to Unions of Conjugacy Classes
- ZHANG, Cun-Quan - Integer flows in Cayley graphs
- ŠPARL, Primož - Symmetry properties of generalized graph truncations
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