23-28 June 2025
Kranjska gora
Europe/Ljubljana timezone


Registration Form

You will need to create an account with Indico in order to register. Please note the difference between the capital letter I and the number 1 in the bank transfer information below.

Early registration (for payments before March 31st, 2025): 240 €.
Late registration fee (for payments after March 31st, 2025): 350 €.
Payment deadline: May 31st, 2025
Payment should be made via bank transfer. Bank transfer details:
Recipient: Drustvo SDDUM
Address: Kettejeva ulica 1, 6000 Koper, Slovenia

IBAN: SI56 1010 0005 5927 091
(SI56 = "S" as in "Sierra", "I" as in "India", Five, Six)

BIC/SWIFT: BAKOSI2X (Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d.d.)
BAKOSI2X = "B" as in "Bravo", "A" as in "Alpha", "K" as in "Kilo", "O" as in "Oscar", "S" as in "Sierra", "I" as in "India", Two, "X" as in "X-ray"

Purpose: TerwilligerFest-Name-Last Name
Model and reference number (required only for payments from Slovenia): SI00 2-2025
SI00 = "S" as in "Sierra", "I" as in "India", Zero, Zero

Please look only to this website to make hotel reservations and to register. Any emails directing you to a different site are not from the organizers.

Account required to register
In order to register for this event you have to be logged in.