23-28 June 2025
Kranjska gora
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

TerwilligerFest - Combinatorics around the q-Onsager algebra

At the conference we will be celebrating the 70th birthday of Paul Terwilliger. As such, the general theme of this conference will be the mathematical topics that Paul has worked on over the years (which all have relationships to the q-Onsager algebra). These topics include the following:

• Topics in algebraic graph theory, such as distance-regular graphs, association schemes, the subconstituent algebra, and the Q-polynomial property;

• Topics in linear algebra, such as Leonard pairs, tridiagonal pairs, billiard arrays, lowering-raising triples, and a linear algebraic approach to the orthogonal polynomials of the Askey scheme;

• Topics in Lie theory, such as the tetrahedron algebra and the Onsager algebra;

• Topics in algebras and their representations, such as the equitable presentation of Uq(sl2), the q-tetrahedron algebra, the q-Onsager algebra in mathematical physics, and the universal Askey-Wilson algebra.

There will be a welcoming reception and registration in the early evening of June 22.  Conference talks will begin the morning of June 23. The last talks will take place in the evening of Friday, June 27.

Please look only to this website to make hotel reservations and to register.  Any emails directing you to a different site are not from the organizers.

22/23-27 June, 2025

Ramada Resort, Kranjska gora, Slovenia

(Source: kranjska-gora.si, photo: Jezero Jasna)


Scientific committee: 

Štefko Miklavič (University of Primorska, Andrej Marušič Institute, Slovenia) 
Contact: stefko.miklavic@upr.si

Mark MacLean (Mathematics department, Seattle University, USA)
Contact: macleanm@seattleu.edu

Organizing committee: Blas Fernandez, Giusy Monzillo, Safet Penjić

Kranjska gora
Registration for this event is currently open.
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.